Premier Build
2 Northgate Avenue
Bury St Edmunds
IP32 6BB
Phone: 01284 839007
contact us by phone or email, we can arrange an appointment for a site visit and one of our Building Mangers will be happy to come out, meet you, view the site and discuss the details..
Within 10 working days we'll provide you with your free quotation.
If you would like to know abit more about us before we provide a quotation, please contact us by phone or email and we can send you our brochure showing further works we have undertaken..
If you are in the very early stages we can assist with the planning applications or if you are looking to get the figures in order prior to commencing we can provide estimated costings for most types of project. We are also able to undertake certain parts of the project if you want to break the build into stages.
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